Focus Issues Collection

Edited by: L. Kruse Jensen, T. Bjarnsholt, P. Ø. Jensen and guest editors

Journal of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology Focus Issues bring you original research in the fields of pathology, microbiology and immunology, and from related developing areas of modern biomedicine. Every issue has a special topic which is explored through a number of papers dedicated to each focus area.
This collection of focus issues is free to read online. Find them all below and click on the images to read more.

Focus Issue

November 2023

Focus Issue

December 2022

Focus Issue

July 2021

Focus Issue

February 2020

Focus Issue

July 2018

Focus Issue

April 2017

Focus Issue

January-February 2016

Focus Issue

August 2013

Focus Issue

April 2012

Focus Issue

Juni-July 2010

Focus Issue

May-June 2009

Focus Issue

July-August 2008

Focus Issue

October 2007

Focus Issue

September 2007

Focus Issue

November 2005

Focus Issue

December 2004

Focus Issue

July 2004

Focus Issue

January 2002

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